Fun With Physics

What British physicist’s most well known works included his research into black holes, space-time, and writing the best-selling book A Brief History of Time? Answer: Stephen Hawking

Who You Gonna Call?

In the original Ghostbusters film series, Annie Potts portrayed the no nonsense office manager at the Ghostbusters firehouse. Name her character. Answer: Janine Melnitz

Neighbors, Here and Thar

The Thar Desert, also known as the Great Indian Desert, stretches across parts of India and into which neighboring country? Answer: Pakistan

Who Needs to Win?

Who replaced Bud Grant as head coach of the Minnesota Vikings after the 1983 season, only to lead the team to a 3 and 13 record in the 1984 season? …

Tallest Twin Towers

The Petronas Towers are the largest twin towers in the world, and were the tallest buildings in the world until 2004. In what city would you find the Petronas Towers? …

20th Century Dystopian Novels

Who wrote the 1931 dystopian novel “Brave New World” that portrays a future World State driven by technological advancements? Answer: Aldous Huxley