Daily Trivia

Stamp on History

The first modern adhesive backed postage stamp was issued in 1840 in the UK and featured Queen Victoria. By what name is this stamp called? Answer: Penny Black

Berry of Love

What edible berry of the solanum lycopersicum plant is sometimes referred to as the “love apple” because it was thought to have been an aphrodisiac? Answer: tomato

French Cooking Techniques

Which French term describes a method of cooking in which ingredients, often in a pouch, are slow-cooked in their own juices, enhancing the flavors? Answer: Sous-vide

The Shell Game

A turtle shell is primarily made up of two parts. The underside is the plastron. What is the proper name for the upper shell? Answer: Carapace

The Other Amazon

The Amazon Rainforest spans across several countries in South America. Which country contains the largest portion of this rainforest? Answer: Brazil

Fun with Geometry

In mathematics, what is the name of the curve defined as the set of all points equidistant from a given point called the focus and a given line called the …

What Does Chandler Do?

From the season four episode of “Friends” entitled “The One with the Embryos,” Chandler and Joey win a trivia quiz against Monica and Rachel. The women lost in the lightning …

Classy Cocktail Hour

Traditionally made with rye whiskey, sweet vermouth, and bitters, what cocktail was first concocted in New York City in the 1870s, purportedly for a banquet hosted by Lady Randolph Spencer-Churchill? …